About KGS
Catchment area: The town of Kirkwall, Orphir, the east mainland of Orkney and the North and South isles excluding the island of Graemsay - 11 associate primary schools and 3 junior highs
School roll: approx. 900, of whom 260 are in S5 and S6 Teaching complement: approx. 100 (including part-time and job-share)
School starts at 8.35am each morning and finishes at 3.35pm each afternoon, except Friday when classes end at 12.20pm (with lunch available from 12.20-12.45pm). A bell rings at all period change times and before registration.
8.30am Warning bell
8.35am Registration/Tutor Group time 8.45am Period 1 9.35am Period 2 10.25am Interval 10.40am Period 3 11.30am Period 4 12.20pm Period 5 1.10pm Lunch 1.55pm Period 6 2.45pm Period 7 3.35pm End of school day Office hours: (*These times may vary during school holidays)
Monday - Thursday 8.00am - 4.00pm Friday 8.00am - 1.00pm Holidays
Each house is linked to a Guidance teacher. These are:
Copinsay - Mrs Woods Eynhallow - Ms Taylor Fara - Mr Berry All pupils are allocated to a House. They can earn points for their House in various ways throughout the session. There are inter-house competitions such as football, swimming and Maths quizzes. House points can also be awarded by teachers for good work and for an improvement in work. The House that collects the most points in the session is awarded the House Cup at the end of the year.
Previous Winners 2006 Dingieshowe 2007 Berstane 2008 Waulkmill 2009 Waulkmill 2010 Inganess 2011 Waulkmill 2012 Scapa 2013 Inganess 2014 Inganess 2015 Waulkmill 2016 Eynhallow 2017 Eynhallow 2018 Eynhallow 2019 Fara 2020 Copinsay 2021 Copinsay Top
Dress Code – Why?
The appearance of pupils in any school can be a significant sign to others of the kind of ethos or atmosphere that prevails in the school. At KGS we believe that preparing for the day ahead and attending school smart and tidily dressed sets good habits for life. Wearing Dress Code:
Dress Code – What? We hope that all KGS pupils will be proud to identify with the school and wear the following Dress Code every day.
School tops and ties are available from:
There are obviously forms of clothing which are unacceptable in school such as those which:
For indoor work, pupils should wear a plain t-shirt or top, shorts and training shoes (with non-marking soles). Tracksuit trousers can be worn for outdoor activities along with a sweatshirt or similar top. For swimming, pupils should bring trunks or a one piece swimming costume and towel. Top
The school has a clearly defined homework policy. Pupils are regularly given homework to support their learning and to encourage them to become more organised and self-supporting in their learning. Homework provides an opportunity to consolidate what has been learned in class.
Tasks will be given where a teacher feels a particular child or group of children may benefit from it. The homework will be organised according to the stage and ability of the child; it can arise from all curricular areas, and it may include written, oral or practical activities. The tasks set will be worthwhile and challenging for the child. Parents are encouraged to help pupils with homework as a means of keeping them up to date with the work of the class and their child’s progress, and also to promote partnership between the school and parents. It makes you aware of what your child is learning and provides you with a useful discussion starter. Parental interest and cooperation in ensuring homework is undertaken is appreciated. The school encourages parents to sign each homework task. Top
Pupils of Kirkwall Grammar School should -
• be on time. • be prepared. • be polite and considerate. • follow the guidelines for behaviour in each department of the school. Pupils who are positive and who do as they are asked can expect to be praised. Information about awards can be found here. Top
Our school meals service aims to provide children with a high quality and varied diet and copies of the menu are displayed in the school. For more information on catering provision please contact the school kitchen directly.
Breakfast is served from 8.10am – 8.30am in the Dining Hall. There is a range of items on offer including bacon rolls, sausage rolls, cereal and toast. There is coffee, tea, hot chocolate, fresh orange juice or fresh apple juice to drink. Lunch Most pupils at KGS have school lunches but some go home and others go into town. Whatever pupils chose to do, they must ensure they are back in time for classes in the afternoon. A swipe card payment system operates. If pupils are entitled to Free School Meals then they can either have the main two-course meal or items from the snack bar to the same value. We encourage healthy eating; therefore chips are only available once per week and we strongly discourage fizzy drinks and encourage water bottles. There are to be no energy drinks brought into school. Pupils may bring their own packed lunch which can be eaten in the Dining Hall. Pupils may remain in the building at lunchtimes in the Dining Hall or the Social Areas. Pupils are not permitted to be upstairs during lunch or breaktimes. There is a Tuck Shop but as this is pupil run it is not always available. Free School Meals & Clothing Allowance Applications for Free School Meals and Clothing Allowance are made on the same form and should be submitted to Orkney Islands Council for each school session. The eligibility criteria are outlined on the following webpage, where application forms are also available: http://www.orkney.gov.uk/Service-Directory/S/School-Meals-and-Clothing-Allowances.htm Application forms can also be obtained from the School and Orkney Islands Council (OIC) Customer Services. Applications must be submitted along with supporting documentation as detailed on the form. For help with filling out the form or more information on school meals and clothing grants please telephone Education, Housing & Leisure on (01856) 873535, email [email protected] or visit in person at OIC Customer Services. Top
Orkney Islands Council provides school transport for pupils who live outwith walking distance as outlined in the School Transport Policy. Full details of School Transport including entitlement, catchment areas, collection/drop off points, code of conduct and provision for pupils with additional support needs is available on the following webpage:
http://www.orkney.gov.uk/Service-Directory/S/School-Transport.htm Proper safety procedures must be followed at all times when walking to and from school and on buses, boats and planes. Bus pupils must wear seat belts at all times on the bus and should be particularly careful when getting off the bus before crossing any roads. The code of conduct for bus users must be followed. Good behaviour is expected at all times on school transport. Pupils who misbehave may have the privilege of free school transport withdrawn. Parents are requested, when dropping off/collecting children from school, that they do not park in any location which causes an obstruction and that they take care not to restrict the view of the school crossing patrol. If you miss your bus at the end of the school day, report to Reception, where alternative transport will be arranged for you. Pupils taking part in extracurricular activities or attending supported study classes may obtain a bus slip from the teacher in charge. The school also has a Severe Weather/Transport Disruption Policy. Top
Kirkwall Grammar School welcomes parental involvement as research has shown that when parents are involved children do better in school. The school holds at least one Parents’ Evening for each year group annually, and in addition there are Information Evenings as and when required. KGS also holds many other events throughout the year to which all parents are warmly invited, including musical concerts, drama evenings and sports events. A highlight is the Carol Service in St Magnus Cathedral at Christmas time.
Communication routes are varied and include email ([email protected]), newsletters (posted on this website), telephone calls, facebook (https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Kirkwall-GrammarSchool/410051129035787) and Twitter (http://twitter.com/KGSOrkney). Parents are encouraged to become involved in the school, supporting learning at home through offering quiet time and a place for homework/study and showing an interest in the learning which takes place at school. Parental views are welcome and are sought from time to time through surveys and at all times informally. Please ‘lift the phone’ if you have a query, concern or compliment. Parent Councils Parent Councils are the formal representative body for parents/carers with children attending school. Parent Councils are different in each school to enable them to meet the needs of parents/carers locally. Parents are welcomed to: • Be involved with their child’s education and learning; • Be active participants in the life of the school; and • Express their views on school education generally and work in partnership with their children's schools. Kirkwall Grammar School’s Parent Council Chair is Mr Brian Kynoch, who can be contacted using [email protected]. There is also a Parent Council website. The main aims of the Parent Council are: • To support the school in its work with pupils. • To represent the views of parents. • To promote contact between the school, parents, pupils, providers of nursery education and the community. • To report to the Parent Forum. • To be involved in the appointment of senior promoted staff. • To raise funds for the school for the benefit of pupils. For more information on parental involvement or to find out about parents as partners in their children’s learning, please contact the school or visit the Parentzone website. Information on parental involvement is also available on Orkney Islands Council’s website. Parent Forum All parents/carers are automatically members of the Parent Forum at their child’s school. As a member of the Parent Forum all parents can expect to: • Receive information about the school and its activities; • Hear about what partnership with parents means in our school; • Be invited to be involved in ways and times that suit you; • Identify issues you want the Parent Council, to work on with the school; • Be asked your opinion by the Parent Council on issues relating to the school and the education it provides; • Work in partnership with staff; and • Enjoy taking part in the life of the school in whatever way possible. The Parent Forum decides how their representatives on the Parent Council are chosen and how the Parent Council operates. Parents/carers are encouraged to volunteer or put themselves forward to be chosen as representatives of the Parent Council if they wish. Top
At KGS we undertake a process of Tracking & Monitoring pupil's progress in their chosen subjects throughout the academic year. Each pupil will have 2 or 3 Tracking Reports shared with them and their parents/carers throughout the year dependent on which Year Group they are in.
The purpose of the Tracking Report is to periodically share information with parents so as they are able to support pupils to improve and maximise their attainment. Tracking & Monitoring is a tool to complement and enhance Teaching & Learning. First and foremost it offers an opportunity for teachers to let pupils know how well they are doing and offer encouragement. There is also at least one opportunity to attend a Parents’ Evening and special arrangements can be made for any parent who wishes to contact the school at other times. Parents have the opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with class teachers on Parents’ Evenings. In addition, of course, parents are welcome to contact the school at any time. Top
These activities are a very important part of school life and all pupils are encouraged to participate in an activity which interests them. Various clubs and groups meet during lunchtime or after school. Dates and times are announced in the Pupil Bulletin and on the plasma screen events diary in the entrance foyer.
Musical activities include Hadhirgaan, the Big Band, the Windband and choirs. Sporting activities include football, rugby, volleyball, netball, basketball and climbing wall. Remember – these are only some of the activities available! Top
Pupils should:
a) have a good look around where they think they have lost an item b) check at the Office, as this is where lost property is taken Remember Pupils should NOT bring large amounts of money or expensive items to school Pupils should NOT leave coats or bags lying around unattended Please make sure all property is clearly marked with pupil‘s name Top