Everyone learns in their own way.
We all have areas of learning and life that we find are strengths and areas that are weaknesses.
Some learners are creative good at music, art or craft.
Others are good at sports, maths, writing, reading or history.
If you are interested in learning more about your learning style you can complete a VARK questionnaire. Click the button below
Others are good at sports, maths, writing, reading or history.
If you are interested in learning more about your learning style you can complete a VARK questionnaire. Click the button below
We can work at our weaknesses,
we can practice our sport or music activity.
Keep trying those maths, geography or science questions
we can ASK for help.
We all need to keep trying, we only give up on ourselves
we can practice our sport or music activity.
Keep trying those maths, geography or science questions
we can ASK for help.
We all need to keep trying, we only give up on ourselves
Some Learners have specific learning differences that can impact on their learning and social interactions within KGS the following linked pages give information and further links