Down's Syndrome
Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder and occurs when a baby is born with an additional chromosome, (47 instead of 46). It is the most common form of learning disability, occurring in about 1 or every 1000 live births a year. Children with Down’s syndrome are not just generally delayed in their development: they have a specific learning profile with characteristic strengths and weaknesses.
Many schools are now welcoming children with Down’s syndrome into the mainstream and increased involvement with their non-disabled peers, coupled with higher expectations from teachers, means that children are achieving far more – both socially and educationally.
What are the main characteristics?
There are specific physical features associated with the condition and children may have problems such as eye defects, respiratory problems and heart defects. Learning difficulties range from moderate to severe.
The following factors are typical of many children with Down’s syndrome. Some have physical implications, others have cognitive ones; some have both.
Many schools are now welcoming children with Down’s syndrome into the mainstream and increased involvement with their non-disabled peers, coupled with higher expectations from teachers, means that children are achieving far more – both socially and educationally.
What are the main characteristics?
There are specific physical features associated with the condition and children may have problems such as eye defects, respiratory problems and heart defects. Learning difficulties range from moderate to severe.
The following factors are typical of many children with Down’s syndrome. Some have physical implications, others have cognitive ones; some have both.
- Delayed motor skills – fine and gross
- Auditory and visual impairment
- Speech and language impairment
- Short-term auditory memory
- Limited concentration span
- Difficulties with thinking and reasoning, and applying knowledge to new situations
- Sequencing difficulties