Careers in Art and DesignWhere can studying Art or Design take you? What kinds of careers exist for those who study creative subjects at secondary school?
While you might have heard that becoming an architect, fine artist, sculptor or gallery assistant is an option for those who study Art or Design, there are many other careers available for those who are able to envision, design and create beautiful things. From boat builder to tattoo artist, florist to blacksmith, studying art lends itself to a wide range of exciting and creative professions. Whether you are interested in the digital age and enjoy graphic design, or whether you appreciate traditional craftsmanship and construction, Art and Design can help you develop a range of practical and creative skills that will be of advantage in your future. Whether you love photography, graphic design, painting or any other art-related speciality, career options are limited only by your imagination. |
Art and Design can be great preparation for any career that requires fine motor skills, presentation skills, an eye for aesthetics and creative thinking. It teaches you to communicate clearly, collaborate and cooperate, organise and problem solve. Take a closer look at the poster above to find more useful skills we teach in the Art department.
For more information regarding careers using Art and Design, talk to any member of the Art and Design department.