The photograph abounds in modern society. On a daily basis we are bombarded with photographic imagery from television and the news media to billboards, the Internet and advertising. As well as being consumers of, we are all creators of images. The mobile phone has seen to that. Most of us carry a camera in some shape or form.
Higher Photography will give you the opportunity to improve your skills and to develop a greater understanding as to how these influence and shape us. It will develop your creativity and will provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon and interpret the world around you.
The course comprises of an introduction to photography, a self directed project and a final exam.
Higher Photography will give you the opportunity to improve your skills and to develop a greater understanding as to how these influence and shape us. It will develop your creativity and will provide you with the opportunity to reflect upon and interpret the world around you.
The course comprises of an introduction to photography, a self directed project and a final exam.
- Basic Camera Techniques – an introduction to photography, how to use camera settings and take interesting shots.
- Project – Pupils are encouraged to make personal choices and produce a creative, self-directed folio, which demonstrates applied photography skills in a challenging context.
- The Question paper- assesses candidates’ knowledge and understanding of photographic work and practice.