Mr N Ewing – SQA Coordinator
Tuesday 10 August 9am to 1pm
Wednesday 11 August 9am to 1pm
Mrs Marlyn Firth - Guidance Manager
Tuesday 10th August 9am to 3pm
Guidance Team
Monday 16 August(afternoon). Appointments for Guidance staff can be made by contacting the school office from Monday 9 August onwards.
Skills Development Scotland (KGS Careers team) -Karen Foubister
Tuesday 10 August 9am to 3pm
Appointments are on a drop-in basis but the SDS team can be contacted on 872460 if an appointment is required.
In addition, there is the SQA National Exam Results Helpline which is manned by qualified advisors, and they can be contacted on 0808 1008000.
Should a pupil wish to appeal any of their provisional grades, they may make an appeal directly to the SQA. Appeals can be based on one of three grounds:
· an appeal against the academic judgement made
· an appeal against an unresolved administrative error
· an appeal on grounds of discrimination where:
· there has been a breach of the Equality Act 2010 or your school, college or training provider failed to provide agreed Assessment Arrangements
The registration service will open on Friday 25 June and will close on Thursday 12 August. Appeals will be processed after Results Day on Tuesday 10 August.
Should any pupil be waiting on a result for a university or college place or for an employment or training programme, their appeal will be processed as a priority and they must register that they want to appeal by Thursday 12 August.
KGS can also submit a priority appeal up to Tuesday 24th August and 27th August for a normal appeal
More information is available here:·
The final decision to appeal lies with the pupils. Should they decide not to appeal, they can withdraw their request by Thursday 12 August by contacting [email protected]