Dear Parents and Carers Thank you for your continued support this week. We shared with you a very important notice from OIC yesterday but we have included the link again here: If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Today’s update contains 4 key notices:
We hope you all have a safe and relaxing weekend, Miss Claire Meakin 1. Senior Phase Options Programme (Mr Ewing)S3 Parents Evening: Our S3 Parents' Evening is on Wednesday 2 February 5pm to 7pm. Reports will be shared with parents at the start of next week. Senior Options: The options process for S3 into S4, S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 will open on Tuesday 1 February. All our options materials will be “live” on the KGS website under the options tab on Tuesday and parents will also be sent an Options Parents and Pupils guide electronically. The Senior Option Course sheet will be given to pupils in PSE but is available electronically if required. Pupils choose from the courses which are listed on the Courses on Offer sheet. Also on the website is a short Parents and Pupils Guide to Options booklet as well as the Senior Phase Course Descriptors, which gives more detailed information on each of our course. Finally, for details on the offer from Orkney College, the College Brochure is also on our website. To help S3 pupils plan ahead for their options in S5 and S6 there is a Progression Pathways sheet available. The deadline for the completed option forms is Friday March 4th. Online Support: There are two presentations on the KGS website to support parents of S3 and S4/S5 pupils. They can also be accessed by following the links below.
Senior Phase Information Evening: There will be an information evening for Parents on Wednesday 16th February between 6pm and 7pm. It will be on Vscene at the link: Prelims: I would like to thank our young people for the effort they have been putting into their prelims over the last two week. For those pupils who have missed prelims, please let either let Mr Ewing or Mrs Kent know as soon as possible so we can arrange dates. Promoting positive behaviour and relationships (Mr Harvey and Mrs Watson The Celebrating Success Working Group met this week and would like to remind parents/carers that we are keen to celebrate all pupil successes. Staff continue to reward classroom success by awarding House Points and each week staff nominate pupils who they feel have gone Above and Beyond. These nominated pupils and their parents/carers receive a certificate via email. We would like to hear about pupil successes outwith school as well. If your child has been involved in a success such as sport, music etc. in the community then please let us know by emailing Mrs Watson [email protected] We will then award House Points. As Senior Pupils return to normal classes next week following the prelims can we ask all parents/carers reinforce the importance of meeting the school's expectations:
Is your child thinking of going to University? (Ms Devlin) The North of Scotland Universities Collaborative Project ( Aberdeen University, Robert Gordon University, University of Highlands and Islands and Scotland's Rural College) aims to support school pupils from across the North region in thinking about future careers and pathways. On Thursday 10th February at 18:30 they will host an online information session for pupils currently making their course choices who are thinking about university in the future. The booking form can be found here: All pupils, as well as their parents and carers, and school staff are welcome to attend. Free bus passes – help available! (Ms Devlin) We have become aware that the application process for a free bus pass (Young Person’s Bus Pass for 5-22 year olds) is very complicated. One of our teachers, Mr Memmott, has kindly offered to make a video to help you or your young person to apply. We will let you know when this is ready.
Dear Parents and Carers Thank you for your continued support. We are missing the opportunities to meet with you face-to-face and we do hope that covid-restrictions allow us to return to these activities very soon. For now though, thank you for continuing to communicate with us via emails and phone calls - we always appreciate the contact! Today's update contains 4 notices from the senior leadership team: If you have any questions about these topics, or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact us. We hope you have a lovely weekend, Claire Meakin (Head Teacher) Prelims and revision for senior pupils (Mr Ewing) S4 Prelim arrangements Monday 24h to Friday 28th: For S4 there will be no study leave and pupils are expected in school as normal. However, when in classes, National 5 S4 pupil will be given the opportunity to study, and National 4 pupils may work on internal assessment, added value units etc. Pupils should, if they have no exam, go to College as normal. S5 and S6 exam arrangements: S5/6 study leave continues until Friday 28th January and pupils will only be required to be in school if they have an exam, or they choose to study here. Pupils will be welcome to study in school during study leave but we ask that they wear dress code and sign in and out of school at normal times i.e. at the start of the day, break and lunch. This is important as we need to know who is in the building for safety purposes. Study support: Pupils that they can access live webinars and a whole range of resources to support their revision on: E-sgoil have recently published their ‘Easter Study Support School’ too which is definitely worth investigating. Your exams booklet: We’ve uploaded a copy of this to the home page of our website. It lets pupils know what to expect in their exams. Page 9 also has a useful reminder about items that would be prohibited in the exam hall. Covid Mitigations for prelims: We have identified week beginning 31 January as a catch-up week when any pupil who have missed a prelim due to Covid will have the opportunity to sit their assessments. Pupils will be asked to wear masks during their prelims and to hand sanitise on their way in and way out of their venue. Pupils should be aware that the prelim venues will be well ventilated and should wear suitable clothing. Our options programme for S2 - S5 pupils (Mr Ewing) S2 into S3 Options: S2 into S3 options materials are now live on the KGS Website under the options 2022 link on the right-hand side of the homepage. There will be an online options information evening for S2 on Tuesday 25th January 6pm – 7pm. To join go to: S3 into S4, S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 Options: Options for our senior phase pupils will begin on 1 February and close on 4 March and more information for parents and pupils will follow shortly Our drive towards perfect punctuality (Mr Harvey and Mrs Watson) Punctuality in the morning continues to be an improving picture. There are now very few pupils arriving in school late. Staff continue to share with pupils the importance of being punctual and this week we have started issuing detentions to pupils who have been late twice. Thank you to all parents/carers for supporting this message at home. We’ve been focusing on punctuality throughout the day too and have been closely monitoring the electronic registers each lesson period. We’re asking pupils to arrive promptly at each lesson, ready to learn. In the small number of cases where pupils haven’t met this expectation, a detention has been issued. An opportunity for 13 - 16 year olds (Ms Devlin) Police Scotland is looking to rebuild the Police Scotland Youth Volunteer (PSYV) unit in Kirkwall by recruiting a number of Youth Volunteers (between 13 and 16 years). PSYV provides an opportunity to find out how Emergency Services work within the community. Volunteers can work at events within the community such as the County Show, music festivals and emergency service exercises. The PSYV scheme is good for building confidence, team working and has been recognised as very helpful on applications for employment, college and university. If you think that your son/daughter would be interested, please ask them to let their Guidance Teacher know. Dear Parents and Carers
We’ve enjoyed lots of successes and achievements this week, including presenting a group of pupils with their John Muir Discovery Award. You can read a little about the pupils’ hard work, along with seeing some of them receive their awards from Mr Ewing, on the homepage of our website. We loved chatting with S2 parents and carers this week at our virtual parents’ evening and we look forward to seeing S3 parents and carers on 2nd February. Details about how to book appointments will be shared on Monday 24th January and the booking will close on Monday 31st January. We will be sharing our latest tracking summaries with all S1 – 3 parents before the midterm break and we will keep our senior parents updated with pupils’ progress in their prelims before the end of term. If parents or carers have any questions in the meantime though, please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant Guidance Teacher. Securing the best outcomes for all (Mr Ewing) S4 Prelim arrangements Monday 17th to Friday 28th: For S4 there will be no study leave and pupils are expected in school as normal. However, when in classes, National 5 S4 pupil will be given the opportunity to study, and National 4 pupils may work on internal assessment, added value units etc. Pupils should, if they have no exam, go to College as normal. S5 and S6 exam arrangements: S5/6 pupils will have study leave from Monday 17th to Friday 28th January and will only be required to be in school if they have an exam, or they choose to study here. Pupils will be welcome to study in school during study leave but we ask that they wear dress code and sign in and out of school at normal times ie at the start of the day, break and lunch. This is important as we need to know who is in the building for safety purposes. Covid Mitigations: We have identified week beginning 31 January as a catch-up week when any pupil who have missed a prelim due to Covid will have the opportunity to sit their assessments. Pupils will be asked to wear masks during their prelims and to hand sanitise on their way in and way out of their venue. Pupils should be aware that the prelim venues will be well ventilated and should wear suitable clothing. S2 into S3 Options: S2 into S3 options materials go live on the KGS Website on Monday 17 January. There will be an online options information evening for S2 on Tuesday 25th January 6pm – 7pm. Login details etc to follow S3 into S4, S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 Options: Options for our senior phase pupils will begin on 1 February and close on 4 March and more information for parents and pupils will follow shortly Promoting positive behaviour and relationships (Mr Harvey and Mrs Watson) SUPPORTING PUNCTUAL ATTENDANCE TO SCHOOL We have been working hard over the past few months to effectively support pupils to arrive at school on time. It is important that all pupils arrive at school on time for registration at 08:35am. Registration is an important part of the school day, giving pupils a consistent daily start at Kirkwall Grammar School. There has been a dramatic reduction in the number of pupils arriving for school late over the past months and we want to thank all pupils, parents/carers and staff for supporting this. As a result, we are now able to adopt a slightly different approach to monitoring and supporting punctual attendance. From Monday 17th January the following approach will applied:
Universal support (Ms Devlin) Last week we shared with parents the link to sign their child up for the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel scheme. We have been made aware that the application form is quite extensive so we are keen to support all parents to complete this. If you we can help in this process, please contact Amy Berry on the normal school number who will organise a time to support you. For Parents/Carers of S5 Pupils: Applications to Sutton Trust Summer Schools are now open. What is the Sutton Trust Summer School? This opportunity is for pupils who may be interested in degree apprenticeships or going to study at University. Successful applicants experience a week-long residential at one of thirteen universities across the UK. Attending Summer Schools increases confidence, raises aspirations, and prepares students for the way ahead. All costs including travel, accommodation, food and activities are covered which means it is completely free of charge for students to attend. You can watch a short video here to give you a taste of what Sutton Trust Summer Schools are like. Pupils should speak with their Guidance Teacher, if they would like to find our more information on how to apply. Finally, we had a reminder from OIC Chief Executive this week: The May Day Bank Holiday on 2 May has been cancelled and this has been replaced by a Jubilee Holiday on 2 and 3 June. Our calendar has been updated on the homepage of our website. We hope you all have a relaxing weekend. Miss Claire Meakin |
September 2024