Dear Parents and Carers Thank you for your continued support throughout another busy, but positive week. Today’s update has 5 notices:
We hope you have a lovely weekend. Miss Claire Meakin Head Teacher A reminder from Mr Ewing about support available for our senior pupils in the lead up to their exams, including ‘check in’ discussions with key staffe-Sgoil Easter Study Support: For S4-S6 pupils, e-Sgoil's Easter Study Support School 2022 is open for registration. The e-Sgoil Easter Study Support programme runs between April 7th and April 14th, providing live interactive daytime webinars. There will be eighty webinar groups covering sixty-six courses, ranging across levels from N4 through to N5, Higher and AH. Each group will meet for three different online sessions. For further information, and to register, please visit Study leave: The SQA exams begin on Tuesday 26th April. Study leave for S4, S5 and S6 pupils will begin on Monday 25th April. There will be immersion sessions running in subjects throughout study leave and we would strongly encourage all pupils to attend them. Details to follow. Supported Study: Our after school supported study programme has been shared with pupils and is available on the school website and KGS Facebook page. Supported study is available for most subjects. Check in discussions: We were delighted to welcome Mr Nisbet back in school this week and he, along with Mrs Fletcher, are working to meet as many senior pupils as possible to ensure they have all the support they need in the lead up to the exams. We hope to grow this team in the next few days too so if your child has any questions or concerns, please ask them to let their Guidance teacher know in the first instance. A reminder from Mr Ewing about our senior options programme closing today (4th March)Options for S4, 5 and 6 pupils: Just a reminder Senior options are due on today Friday 4th March. Pupils with option clashes will be spoken to over the next two weeks A notice from Mr Harvey and Mrs Watson about our drive to promote positive behaviour and relationshipsThis week we have held year group assemblies for most year groups focussing on how pupils conduct themselves in and around the school building. We have stressed the importance of respecting our neighbours as we are part of a bigger community. Pupils have been asked to think about the impact their conduct has on local residents as they make their way to and from school in the mornings, at break and lunchtimes as well as at the end of the school day whether they walk or travel on school transport. Most of our pupils behave in an exemplary manner, and we would ask parents/carers to support the message of being considerate neighbours and members of the community. A plea from our Equity Group about their ‘Cost of the School Day’ survey.Our Equity Group have asked for a quick reminder about their 'Cost of the School Day' survey. If you can spare a few moments, please complete the form here: A plea from our Social Subjects team to vote for KGS entries in a national competition.Geography and RMPS pupils have been creating work for the Climate Change Message in a Bottle national competition and some of the KGS entries have made it to the final. Voting has now opened, and the winning image will be appear on the cover of the Scottish Government's Carbon Neutral Islands report. The shortlisted images can be found on the survey:
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December 2024