Dear Parents and Carers Thank you for your continued support this week. We loved seeing so many S3 parents at our parents’ evening this week – we are looking forward to a time when these can take place in person though! On Tuesday we welcomed Simon Hay (Police) and Kevin Moar (Orkney Drugs Dog charity), along with Zoe, into school as they delivered a very timely session focusing on illegal substances. They offered pupils advice about how to keep themselves, and our whole community, safe along with sharing information about who to contact if they are concerned. We know that pupils may still have questions or concerns and we ask that you encourage them to talk to staff so we can support them together. Today’s update includes 6 notices:
Finally, a quick reminder that school is closed Friday 11th February – Tuesday 15th February. We hope you all have a lovely weekend, Miss Claire Meakin Head Teacher A notice from SQA for parents and carers of our pupils taking national qualifications this session.SQA announcement: Reminders from Mr Ewing about the options programmes currently running for our S2 – S5 pupils.S2 into S3 Options: Just a reminder the deadline for the S2 into S3 options forms is Friday 18th February, however completed options forms can be handed into Guidance staff now. There is also a recording of the recent S2 into S3 Options Information evening available here: Senior Options: The options process for S3 into S4, S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 opened earlier this week. All our options materials are “live” on the KGS website under the options tab and parents were also be sent an Options Parents and Pupils guide electronically. The Senior Option Course sheet will be given to pupils in PSE but is available electronically if required. Pupils choose from the courses which are listed on the Courses on Offer sheet. Also on the website is a short Parents and Pupils Guide to Options booklet as well as the Senior Phase Course Descriptors, which gives more detailed information on each of our course. Finally, for details on the offer from Orkney College, the College Brochure is also on our website. To help S3 pupils plan ahead for their options in S5 and S6 there is a Progression Pathways sheet available. The deadline for the completed option forms is Friday March 4th. Online Support: There are two presentations on the KGS website to support parents of S3 and S4/S5 pupils. They can also be accessed by following the links below. S4 into S5 and S5 into S6 S3 into S4 Senior Phase Information Evening: There will be an information evening for Parents on Wednesday 16th February between 6pm and 7pm. It will be on Vscene at the link: An update about tracking summaries for our junior pupilsWe would like to apologise for being unable to send your child’s completed Tracking Summary at this time. (S3 parents received some information for discussion at parents' evening but we know the comments were missing.) The school is working to resolve the glitch in our system and the full summary reports will be sent out as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding. A thank you from Mr Harvey and Mrs Watson for your support in ensuring pupils arrive punctually to school.We are continuing to monitor pupils who arrive at school after the 08:35 bell. The numbers of pupils arriving to school late in the morning is dropping and we would like to thank you for your support with this. However, this is still an area where we need to see a much bigger improvement. From next week, any pupil who arrives to school late three times in one week will receive a lunchtime detention. Information from DYW about our new Opportunities and Careers Information NoticeboardDYW Orkney – Opportunities and Careers Information Noticeboard: DYW Orkney have added a new feature to the noticeboard in school called Careers in the Spotlight. Each month they will interview local people about their careers and the pathway they followed to get there. The people interviewed give great advice on the things pupils can do to help them achieve their goals and I am sure their stories will inspire the pupils. This month we have Elizabeth Leslie – Hairdresser and Business Owner, Morven MacDonald – Police Scotland and our very own KGS Guidance Manager Mrs Firth. Two opportunities to recognise staff who go above and beyond to support our pupils and whole community.The Thank a Teacher campaign recognises ALL staff working in UK schools and colleges; school leaders, teachers, teaching assistants, and all support staff such as lunchtime supervisors, caretakers and cleaners. Anyone can send a card; children, students, parents, grandparents and colleagues can all say thank you. If you’re feeling shy you can send a card anonymously!
Education Scotland are now accepting nominations for their awards: Comments are closed.
December 2024