Dear Parents and Carers,
We are incredibly proud of how well pupils have settled into the new academic year, focusing on their lessons and making the most of additional opportunities available to them across the school. Digital Literacy. Mr Harvey will be working with all S1 pupils from next week ensuring they have the highest digital literacy skills. A booklet was created last year as a reminder for all pupils, and you can access this (along with a parents’ guide) on the homepage of our website. Bike to School Week. Next week is Bike to School week. You can find more information here. Photo Permissions. Any parents/guardians who do not wish to give permission for their child to appear in photographs used by or published by KGS must indicate this in writing to us within 7 days of receipt of this letter. Orkney Traditional Music Project. This project is back with face to face classes. More information can be found here: Face Coverings and Hand Sanitisation. You’ll be aware of the increasing numbers of covid cases across Scotland and the guidance recommending pupils and staff wear face coverings at all times whilst in the school building, including in lessons, along with very frequent hand sanitising. Therefore, from Monday 30th August, we will be implementing this guidance from the Scottish government at KGS and will be asking all pupils and staff (unless exempt) to wear their face covering when inside the school building, along with sanitising their hands when they change rooms. There will be occasions when staff allow pupils to remove their face covering, including practical PE lessons and whilst they are eating in the canteen, but pupils should expect to wear it at all other times when inside. Please chat with your child about this and ensure they understand that keeping everyone safe in school and reducing any possible disruption in the future is of paramount importance to us all. Thank you. Thank you to our parents and community members who continue to ‘like’ our posts on Facebook and Twitter. Please remember each House has its own Facebook page full of useful information for you and your child! We hope you have a lovely weekend, Miss Claire Meakin (Head Teacher) Comments are closed.
September 2024