Safe Drive, Stay Alive
On behalf of Orkney’s Road Safety Forum (partner agencies: Orkney Islands Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service and Scottish Ambulance Service) I am delighted to inform you that our Pre-Driver Education Programme, Safe Drive Stay Alive, is being presented at The Orkney Theatre, Kirkwall Grammar School on the morning of Tuesday 17 September 2024 for S5 pupils from Kirkwall Grammar School and Stromness Academy and S4 pupils form Sanday and Westray Junior High Schools.
Based on national statistical publications, young novice drivers (17-24 year olds) are at a higher risk of being killed and seriously injured than any other category of road user. Therefore, we consider pre-drivers to be a group considered worthy of attention and intervention and Safe Drive Stay Alive aims to educate young drivers on all aspects of driver responsibility at a time they need it the most.
The format is a film developed and produced by Aberdeenshire Council, and depicts youngsters involved in a fatal Road Traffic Collision (RTC). The film is interspersed with live speeches from our local emergency personnel ie Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service giving their account of the procedures used when arriving at a RTC along with detail of their own experiences. This is followed by a recorded talk by Laura Torrance, Spinal Injuries Scotland who was 16 years old when she was a involved in a RTC leaving her with a severe spinal injury.
Our pre-driver education initiative, Safe Drive Stay Alive, has been delivered to senior secondary pupils since 2018 and has been well received by the students and teaching staff, however, it should be noted that the presentations are hard hitting, therefore, there is an opt-out opportunity that should be discussed with school management.
If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to get in touch with your school or Yvonne Scott, Road Safety Officer, OIC at [email protected].
Based on national statistical publications, young novice drivers (17-24 year olds) are at a higher risk of being killed and seriously injured than any other category of road user. Therefore, we consider pre-drivers to be a group considered worthy of attention and intervention and Safe Drive Stay Alive aims to educate young drivers on all aspects of driver responsibility at a time they need it the most.
The format is a film developed and produced by Aberdeenshire Council, and depicts youngsters involved in a fatal Road Traffic Collision (RTC). The film is interspersed with live speeches from our local emergency personnel ie Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service giving their account of the procedures used when arriving at a RTC along with detail of their own experiences. This is followed by a recorded talk by Laura Torrance, Spinal Injuries Scotland who was 16 years old when she was a involved in a RTC leaving her with a severe spinal injury.
Our pre-driver education initiative, Safe Drive Stay Alive, has been delivered to senior secondary pupils since 2018 and has been well received by the students and teaching staff, however, it should be noted that the presentations are hard hitting, therefore, there is an opt-out opportunity that should be discussed with school management.
If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to get in touch with your school or Yvonne Scott, Road Safety Officer, OIC at [email protected].
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Safe Islander 2024
Safe Islander is an educational programme where participants learn life skills that will help to keep themselves and others safe in the future. Small groups of pupils rotate around a number of workshops that are hosted by various agencies and businesses. They are presented with potentially hazardous situations and are encouraged to participate in a range of simulated practical exercises. Safety messages and advice are given by the presenters.
All S1 pupils in Orkney are invited to attend Safe Islander.
There are 8 work stations
The activities are designed to help young people ;-
This year’s event will take place during the school day on Thursday 19th September at Kirkwall Grammar School.
All S1 pupils in Orkney are invited to attend Safe Islander.
There are 8 work stations
- Casey Construction - safety on building sites
- National Farmers’ Union – farm safety
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - fire safety
- Police Scotland – e-safety
- OADP Orkney Alcohol and Drugs Partnership – the dangers of alcohol
- RNLI Royal National Lifeboat Institution - sea safety
- Scottish and Southern Energy - safety around electricity
- SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency – flooding issues
The activities are designed to help young people ;-
- become more aware of personal safety;
- react appropriately to dangerous situations; and
- understand the role of the emergency services and how and when to contact them avoid becoming a victim of an accident or crime
This year’s event will take place during the school day on Thursday 19th September at Kirkwall Grammar School.
Science Festival 2024
We were very lucky to have lots of amazing events happening as part of Orkney Science Festival this year!
The Festival got started with an excellent session on the expansion of the universe for our N5 and H Physics students with Prof Martin Hendry from the University of Glasgow. Day 2 saw Prof James Clark from York University talk to a group of students about the use of waste materials to produce chemicals that are better for the environment. The atmosphere was Electric for Day 3 with Physics students enjoying Gravity synth - looking at waves from space and in music.
All S1 and S2 pupils were treated to a hair raising and electrifying performance from Ken and Janet celebrating 100 years of electricity in Orkney. The spectacular show ended with a huge Tesla coil and Faraday cage. On Day 4 our S3 pupils were entertained by tales of the elements by Jamie Gallagher with one of the highlights being a demonstration of the reactivity of hydrogen. And on the final day KGS went CSI! Classes had a session with University of Dundee where pupils learned what it was like to be a Forensic Scientist and helped gather evidence to solve a crime.
What a week! A huge thank you to everyone that took the time to come in to school and to all the staff that have helped make it possible. See you again in 2025!
The Festival got started with an excellent session on the expansion of the universe for our N5 and H Physics students with Prof Martin Hendry from the University of Glasgow. Day 2 saw Prof James Clark from York University talk to a group of students about the use of waste materials to produce chemicals that are better for the environment. The atmosphere was Electric for Day 3 with Physics students enjoying Gravity synth - looking at waves from space and in music.
All S1 and S2 pupils were treated to a hair raising and electrifying performance from Ken and Janet celebrating 100 years of electricity in Orkney. The spectacular show ended with a huge Tesla coil and Faraday cage. On Day 4 our S3 pupils were entertained by tales of the elements by Jamie Gallagher with one of the highlights being a demonstration of the reactivity of hydrogen. And on the final day KGS went CSI! Classes had a session with University of Dundee where pupils learned what it was like to be a Forensic Scientist and helped gather evidence to solve a crime.
What a week! A huge thank you to everyone that took the time to come in to school and to all the staff that have helped make it possible. See you again in 2025!
S4 Values in Action
As part of their Values in Action award, last session our fantastic S4 RMPS students raised an amazing £268.50 for Women’s Aid Orkney through bake sales and dress down days! Some of the students involved met with representatives from Women’s Aid Orkney to hand over the cheque today. What a brilliant effort and contribution to an important local charity, well done everyone!
Brodgar Trip
In July, History classes were given the opportunity to attend the Ness of Brodgar as part of Historic Environment Scotland's schools’ week. This involved pupils being given a tour of the working archaeological dig and taking part in hands-on workshops.
Despite the mixed weather, this was a fantastic chance for young people from KGS to engage with local history!
Despite the mixed weather, this was a fantastic chance for young people from KGS to engage with local history!
Last Day Awards
SQA Results Day Support
This year's results day is Tuesday 6th August.
Exam Support @KGS August 2024
This year SQA results will be sent to pupils on Tuesday 6 August. To support pupils as their exam results come out, and to help those who are looking to recourse or have questions about career paths, there will be the following help available in school:
Mr Ewing – SQA Coordinator:
Tuesday 6 August 9am to 1pm
Wednesday 7 August 9am to 1pm
Thursday 8 August 9am to 1pm
Guidance Team:
Tuesday 6 August
Mrs Firth -Guidance Manager 9am to 1pm
Ms Taylor- Principal Teacher of Guidance 9am to 1pm
Guidance Appointments:
Guidance staff will be taking appointments where arrangements and discussions over change of courses can take place on the afternoon of Monday 19 August. Appointments for Guidance staff can be made by contacting the school office from Tuesday 6 August onwards.
Skills Development Scotland:
Exam results support is available from SDS Careers Advisers in local careers centres. The Kirkwall centre can be contacted on 01856 872460 on Tuesday 6th August. Pupils can also drop into the Kirkwall centre at 2 Albert Street between 2pm and 4pm
There is also a national helpline staffed by trained careers advisers on 0808 100 8000
SQA Appeals 2024:
Appeals 2024 is a free service that pupils can use if they have concerns about a grade (or grades) on their results certificate. Pupils can appeal directly to us or ask their school to do this for them.
The service will open on Results Day, Tuesday 6 August at 9am, and the learner direct submission deadlines are:
Tuesday 13 August at 11:59pm for priority appeals
Tuesday 27 August at 11:59pm for all other appeals
An appeal can be prioritised if a pupil has a conditional place at university or college, or in training or employment that depends on their grade.
What is Appeals 2024?
If a pupil appeals their grade, a senior marker will carry out a marking review of their SQA-marked assessments.
This is not a re-mark.
A marking review checks that:
all parts of your SQA-assessments have been marked;
the marking is in line with national standards;
the marks given for each answer have been totalled correctly; and
the correct result has been entered on our system.
Please note that after being reviewed, results could stay the same, go up or go down.
There is also a national helpline staffed by trained careers advisers on 0808 100 8000
Creative Writing Competition!
Follow @ScottishWildlifeTrust for updates and writing prompts! 🌿📝
- 🎓 Students, young writers and teachers, celebrate Scotland’s wildlife and wild places by entering the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s #WordsOfTheWild nature writing competition! Share your nature-inspired writing for a chance to win great prizes. Submit by 31 August 2024. Details at
Follow @ScottishWildlifeTrust for updates and writing prompts! 🌿📝
Social Subjects Pupils Involved in Development Consultation
Pupils from KGS were given the chance to be part of the consultation on the plans for the new development taking place on Bridge street. They were shown images of the plans for the new bowling alley, arcade and nightclub and outdoor space. The pupils were keen to give their opinions on the plans and how they could see themselves and other young people in Orkney using the space.
Health & Wellbeing Week 2024
YPI Final 2024
Friday 17th May saw the annual Youth Philanthropy Initiative competition final take place in the KGS theatre.
This year we had six S3 groups all competing for £3000 towards their chosen charity.
All of this years finalists showed a great deal of passion and hard work towards their chosen charities, delivering presentations in front of a packed audience, but there could only be one winner.
The group representing Simba were crowned this years victors, with a fantastic presentation worthy of the prize.
Congratulations to the winners, and well done to all pupils involved.
This year we had six S3 groups all competing for £3000 towards their chosen charity.
All of this years finalists showed a great deal of passion and hard work towards their chosen charities, delivering presentations in front of a packed audience, but there could only be one winner.
The group representing Simba were crowned this years victors, with a fantastic presentation worthy of the prize.
Congratulations to the winners, and well done to all pupils involved.
KGS has been awarded the Bronze Rights Committed UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools Award. We are dedicated to creating a school where everyone respects each other and treats everyone fairly.
As part of Rights Respecting Schools, we would like to gather the views of all pupils. Please can pupils complete the following questionnaire during registration. This is to be completed before the end of the school day on Friday 10th May.
As part of Rights Respecting Schools, we would like to gather the views of all pupils. Please can pupils complete the following questionnaire during registration. This is to be completed before the end of the school day on Friday 10th May.
Competition Winner Joshua Walker
Competition Winner Joshua Walker
S3 KGS students were given the opportunity to develop games and submit their best efforts into a National competition of upcoming Computing Science talent as a part of their Computing Science S3 course.
Joshua Walker (S3 Fara) won a Robotics kit from the competition after judges reviewed his game and were impressed by his efforts. Joshua used a technique called 'ray casting' to develop a 3D game using 2D games design software, a advanced feat of software engineering that would please retro gamers and Doom fans.
Pictured above is Joshua receiving his prize from the dressCode Competition, issued by his teacher Mr Soames who commented, "Joshua took the learning from the classroom and ran with it, doing his own independent research and using outstanding problem solving skills to create something unique and memorable. He could have used a 3D games engine to easily make his game but he wanted to learn the raycasting technique used by early 3D games in the 80s despite the additional challenges. We are all looking forward to the next competition where we hope Joshua and others will continue to represent KGS nationally and impress judges."
Congratulations Joshua!
Joshua Walker (S3 Fara) won a Robotics kit from the competition after judges reviewed his game and were impressed by his efforts. Joshua used a technique called 'ray casting' to develop a 3D game using 2D games design software, a advanced feat of software engineering that would please retro gamers and Doom fans.
Pictured above is Joshua receiving his prize from the dressCode Competition, issued by his teacher Mr Soames who commented, "Joshua took the learning from the classroom and ran with it, doing his own independent research and using outstanding problem solving skills to create something unique and memorable. He could have used a 3D games engine to easily make his game but he wanted to learn the raycasting technique used by early 3D games in the 80s despite the additional challenges. We are all looking forward to the next competition where we hope Joshua and others will continue to represent KGS nationally and impress judges."
Congratulations Joshua!
Health and Wellbeing Week
Choose your Activities with OASIS
OASIS (Orkney Activities Selection Information System)
Activities sponsored by Cooke Aquaculture
Activities sponsored by Cooke Aquaculture
Activities selection via OASIS is now closed for changes.
Students can still log into OASIS to check their choices, and learn more about the requirements of their activities, such as costs and instructions. Changes are no longer possible to allow teachers to make arrangements.
Students wishing to pay for Activities should see the relevant teacher to their Activity.
Students who have still not made their Activity choices or need to make an emergency change should see Mr Soames or Mrs Lawtie.
Students can still log into OASIS to check their choices, and learn more about the requirements of their activities, such as costs and instructions. Changes are no longer possible to allow teachers to make arrangements.
Students wishing to pay for Activities should see the relevant teacher to their Activity.
Students who have still not made their Activity choices or need to make an emergency change should see Mr Soames or Mrs Lawtie.
Study Support at KGS
Immersion Timetable:
The immersion timetable provides details of the classes pupils can attend during study leave for help and advice as they prepare for exams. Pupils should just sign in before the sessions starts and sign out again once it finishes.
Study Planner:
The attached study planner is to help pupils organise their time. The study planner helps pupils to plan out their revision across study leave - giving them time to study for each exam properly.
N5 Study Support Guide:
This document gives pupils advice and tips on study techniques as well as subject specific details for all N5 courses.
Health and Wellbeing Week - Activities
Activities sponsored by Cooke Aquaculture
On our return to school after Easter pupils will be asked to select Activities for the 3 Activities days on Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th, and Thursday 30th of May as a part of Health and Wellbeing Week.
The OASIS system we have created will help you make your choices and ensure all events are not oversubscribed, we will show you how it works on the first week after the holidays, and in the second week back we will be making our choices. It's a first come first served service so we will be asking all pupils to be aware of their KGS One credentials in advance of choices opening so they are successful in getting their first choice while it is available.
In the meantime and over the Easter holidays we want pupils to read up and consider the choices that are available to them. It would be good for all pupils to nominate a first, second and third choice for each day so that when we return you are ready to choose.
Link to the Activities briefs is below:
The OASIS system we have created will help you make your choices and ensure all events are not oversubscribed, we will show you how it works on the first week after the holidays, and in the second week back we will be making our choices. It's a first come first served service so we will be asking all pupils to be aware of their KGS One credentials in advance of choices opening so they are successful in getting their first choice while it is available.
In the meantime and over the Easter holidays we want pupils to read up and consider the choices that are available to them. It would be good for all pupils to nominate a first, second and third choice for each day so that when we return you are ready to choose.
Link to the Activities briefs is below:
To celebrate Women's History Month, Dr Amy Blakeway, a Senior Lecturer in Scottish History from St Andrews University visited KGS on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th March. She delivered sessions to S1-3 History pupils, with talks and interactive workshops on women in the 16th Century. She also spoke to senior pupils interested in studying History at university.
Young Enterprise Local Finals
At last night's Young Enterprise local finals the KGS Young Enterprise team gave an entertaining and polished presentation of their business, 'Ebb and Flow'. They were a credit to our school.
They narrowly missed out to the Stromness team.
They did, however, win:
Best director: Erin
Best Digital Presence
Best Presentation
Best Company Report
They narrowly missed out to the Stromness team.
They did, however, win:
Best director: Erin
Best Digital Presence
Best Presentation
Best Company Report
Senior Pupils - e-Sgoil's Easter Study Support Programme For 2024
Easter Study Support is for Senior Phase learners who are working towards National Qualifications. This year there are seventy-four different webinar Teams, covering a wide range of subjects and levels. Each group will meet for three webinar sessions during the holidays. Follow the link below to find the timetable for the full Easter Study Support programme, as well as supporting materials, and information on how to register. Easter webinars will run between April 2nd and April 11th.
To register for Easter Study Support, you need to do three things.
1. Log in to your Glow account (If you don’t know how to do this, your school will help you)
2. Check the Easter Study Support timetable to see which webinars you want to attend, avoiding any clashes.
3. Click on the link to the registration Form: select your webinars, complete the Form, and submit!
(Please note - if you already attend Evening Webinars, you need to register separately for Easter Study Support.)
Easter Study Support is for Senior Phase learners who are working towards National Qualifications. This year there are seventy-four different webinar Teams, covering a wide range of subjects and levels. Each group will meet for three webinar sessions during the holidays. Follow the link below to find the timetable for the full Easter Study Support programme, as well as supporting materials, and information on how to register. Easter webinars will run between April 2nd and April 11th.
To register for Easter Study Support, you need to do three things.
1. Log in to your Glow account (If you don’t know how to do this, your school will help you)
2. Check the Easter Study Support timetable to see which webinars you want to attend, avoiding any clashes.
3. Click on the link to the registration Form: select your webinars, complete the Form, and submit!
(Please note - if you already attend Evening Webinars, you need to register separately for Easter Study Support.)
Magical Christmas Appeal Gratitude Videos-S4 RMPS Values in Action classes.
Thank you once again to everyone who donated towards the 'Give Kona and her pals a MAGICAL Christmas' appeal. We are happy to say we transferred the total sum of £60.00, with £30 going to a widow (Mrs Ijeoma Daniel) and her family of five children, and £30 to three teenagers (£10 per teenager), making sure they had a magical Christmas.
You can watch their gratitude videos below.
Thank you once again to everyone who donated towards the 'Give Kona and her pals a MAGICAL Christmas' appeal. We are happy to say we transferred the total sum of £60.00, with £30 going to a widow (Mrs Ijeoma Daniel) and her family of five children, and £30 to three teenagers (£10 per teenager), making sure they had a magical Christmas.
You can watch their gratitude videos below.
Fereday Prize Giving 2024
Today KGS hosted the annual Fereday Prize Giving, celebrating the achievements of S2 pupils from KGS and Stromness Academy on their local history projects.
With a lot of strong competition, the KGS winners for this year were, in first place Oscar, in second place Ran, and in third place Madison.
Well done to all the entries across both schools, the judges were highly complementary, and especially to KGS pupil Oscar who received the overall winner prize.
Thank you to Stromness Academy for travelling through and for the work of the Orkney Heritage Society and this year's judges.
With a lot of strong competition, the KGS winners for this year were, in first place Oscar, in second place Ran, and in third place Madison.
Well done to all the entries across both schools, the judges were highly complementary, and especially to KGS pupil Oscar who received the overall winner prize.
Thank you to Stromness Academy for travelling through and for the work of the Orkney Heritage Society and this year's judges.
KGS English Department Winter Book Sale 2023
The department enjoyed another very successful and joyous book sale at KGS to close 2023. We loved the opportunity to talk to pupils, parents, staff and members of the community about books, music and film over a coffee and traybake! We raised a grand total of £470 to support our stock of exciting, challenging and rich texts for classes. Many thanks to all who came and supported our (now annual) event! |
Antiracism Group Trip to Local Businesses.
Members of KGS antiracism group visited local businesses (Friday 8th March 2024) to talk about allyship and ask for support towards the publication of the antiracism story book written and illustrated by the group (Beuy the black Orkney vole) and the Anti-Racism / Challenging Racism Vocabulary Conversation Cards focused on conversations about race. The cards were necessitated by the conviction that they will give both young people and adults the language and sensitivity they need to talk about racism. The Cards explain what racism is, how it happens, why it should be NEVER acceptable and what each one of us can do to eradicate it.
KGS Under 15 – North of Scotland School’s Cup –
Thurso v KGS
Our squad travelled to Thurso last Wednesday to play their second-round game.
It was a very early start for our pupils as they travelled from Stromness to Scrabster on the Hamnavoe. Fortunately, an excellent breakfast provided by our sponsor Northlink set them up for the long day ahead. Upon arrival, the squad made its way to the Naver all-weather to play against Thurso High School.
The result was not the one we were hoping for as Thurso progressed to the next round. The KGS coaches and players would like to wish our opponent all the best against Culloden Academy in the third round.
The trip was both enjoyable and exciting and everybody thought that it had been worth the long day. The squad would like to thank Northlink Ferries and Galliford Try again for their very generous sponsorship.
It was a very early start for our pupils as they travelled from Stromness to Scrabster on the Hamnavoe. Fortunately, an excellent breakfast provided by our sponsor Northlink set them up for the long day ahead. Upon arrival, the squad made its way to the Naver all-weather to play against Thurso High School.
The result was not the one we were hoping for as Thurso progressed to the next round. The KGS coaches and players would like to wish our opponent all the best against Culloden Academy in the third round.
The trip was both enjoyable and exciting and everybody thought that it had been worth the long day. The squad would like to thank Northlink Ferries and Galliford Try again for their very generous sponsorship.
Student Interview Expenses
Please find here the updated Student Interview Expenses 23/24 form and bank mandate for your information. This is to be used for students who are attending college/universities in either Scotland or England for interview purposes only. The application criteria are outlined in the Guidance Notes on the form.
2024 SQA Exam Timetable
Please be aware that times of exams - but not the dates - may change
World Mental Health Day in KGSThe KGS S6 Mental Health Committee organised a series of events in the school to celebrate World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10 October.
The theme of the World Mental Health day is: ‘Mental health is a universal human right’. World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness of mental health and driving positive change for everyone’s mental health. It’s also a chance to talk about mental health, how we need to look after it, and how important it is to get help if you are struggling. A bake sale and dress down day took place, with all money raised going to the Blide Trust who support mental health in Orkney |
The results of appeals will be released by the SQA to schools on Tuesday 31 October at 1pm.
Pupils and parents will be informed in writing by the school this week and pupils can also see or email Mr Ewing ([email protected]) for the outcome of their appeal.
The SQA have produced the attached help sheet to explain the appeals process:
The results of appeals will be released by the SQA to schools on Tuesday 31 October at 1pm.
Pupils and parents will be informed in writing by the school this week and pupils can also see or email Mr Ewing ([email protected]) for the outcome of their appeal.
The SQA have produced the attached help sheet to explain the appeals process:
Fereday Projects
Just a reminder that the hand in for the Fereday Projects for S2 History pupils is this week.
The Social Subjects Faculty would like to remind pupils, parents and carers that this project can take various approaches from essays to posters to models to videos etc. The project can either be digitally submitted through the assignment link on the class Social Subjects Teams, or a paper copy can be given to the class teacher.
We are aware that some pupils may be really interested in this piece of local history and will produce a long, detailed project; however, we also understand that this may not suit all pupils. We are just looking for pupils to submit what they can manage.
If a pupil is struggling to complete the project in time, then the pupil should speak to their History teacher so we can provide support and offer an extension.
The Social Subjects Faculty would like to remind pupils, parents and carers that this project can take various approaches from essays to posters to models to videos etc. The project can either be digitally submitted through the assignment link on the class Social Subjects Teams, or a paper copy can be given to the class teacher.
We are aware that some pupils may be really interested in this piece of local history and will produce a long, detailed project; however, we also understand that this may not suit all pupils. We are just looking for pupils to submit what they can manage.
If a pupil is struggling to complete the project in time, then the pupil should speak to their History teacher so we can provide support and offer an extension.
e-Sgoil Support materials for strike days
e-Sgoil has created a Learning Resources Thinglink to support schools and learners in the event of disruption or unplanned closure. Collections have been organised by age and stage and contain a mixture of resources suitable for both self-directed and teacher-led learning.
Maths Week Scotland, Tuesday 26th, various times - these webinars are open to all. When a teacher registers they will be given links to the webinar sessions, which can be shared with learners for them to be able to join from home
The following one-off sessions are delivered on Teams in Glow. The teacher registers for these offers and is added to the relevant Team - ordinarily, the learners would join as a group from the classroom via the teacher's connection. During the period of disruption, learners could be added to the Team and join the session directly from home.
Maths Week Scotland, Tuesday 26th, various times - these webinars are open to all. When a teacher registers they will be given links to the webinar sessions, which can be shared with learners for them to be able to join from home
The following one-off sessions are delivered on Teams in Glow. The teacher registers for these offers and is added to the relevant Team - ordinarily, the learners would join as a group from the classroom via the teacher's connection. During the period of disruption, learners could be added to the Team and join the session directly from home.
S2 - S5 |
Tuesday 26th 2-3pm |
P7 |
delivery date and time negotiable |
P6 - S6 |
delivery date and time negotiable |
S1 - S6 |
delivery date and time negotiable |
S4 - S6 |
delivery date and time negotiable |
S4 - S6 |
delivery date and time negotiable |
Appeals 2023 – a guide for parents and carers
This blog post outlines the Appeals 2023 process
including important information and deadlines to consider if your child decides to submit an appeal.
including important information and deadlines to consider if your child decides to submit an appeal.
Celebration of STEM
Students of KGS took part in a Celebration of STEM day held at the Kings Street Halls and hosted by YESC (Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland). KGS has a weekly Computing Club ( which meets on Wednesday at lunchtime and encourages students to take part in extracurricular activities and develop personal projects to widen their knowledge and experience. The Celebration of STEM event was a perfect opportunity for the club members from KGS and students from other schools in Orkney to come together and celebrate the work they had done in the last year, showcasing their STEM projects, meeting prospective employers and have fun with a series of STEM challenges.
The KGS Youth Achievement Group were presented with the school award from the Social Enterprise Academy last Thursday in Inverness. They earned the award by making cosy packs and running the Cosy Cafe in school. The proceeds from the cafe went to the Blide Trust and the cosy packs (blanket, hot water bottle, gloves, hat and socks) were donated to Orkney Foodbank.
The group were also featured in the Schools Social Enterprise edition of The Big Issue, on sale from school at £4. The money raised from the sales will help fund our next enterprise activity. The group were supported by DYW Orkney and Tesco's Community Champion.
The group were also featured in the Schools Social Enterprise edition of The Big Issue, on sale from school at £4. The money raised from the sales will help fund our next enterprise activity. The group were supported by DYW Orkney and Tesco's Community Champion.
Tuesday, 13th June, 2023
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KGS achieves UNICEF UK Rights Respecting Schools
Congratulations to the Rights Respecting Schools Working Group, led by Ms Warwick, whose work has been recognised by UNICEF UK and has received the Bronze Award - RIGHTS COMMITTED.
Kirkwall Grammar School is committed to placing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of their ethos and is working towards becoming a Rights Respecting School.
Kirkwall Grammar School is committed to placing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of their ethos and is working towards becoming a Rights Respecting School.
S3 Languages Leaders
Enhorabuena / Congratulations
to our S3 Languages Leaders who have been doing a fantastic job teaching Spanish this term to every class in
Papdale Primary School from P3 to P7.
The S3 Spanish 'teachers' not only consistently demonstrated their excellent language and communication skills,
but also ensured that the lessons that they prepared were engaging and a lot of fun.
A huge thank you also to all of the pupils and staff at Papdale Primary School.
Our Languages Leaders really enjoyed teaching there.
Muchas gracias.
to our S3 Languages Leaders who have been doing a fantastic job teaching Spanish this term to every class in
Papdale Primary School from P3 to P7.
The S3 Spanish 'teachers' not only consistently demonstrated their excellent language and communication skills,
but also ensured that the lessons that they prepared were engaging and a lot of fun.
A huge thank you also to all of the pupils and staff at Papdale Primary School.
Our Languages Leaders really enjoyed teaching there.
Muchas gracias.
Sustrans Competition
KGS S3 Business Management classes recently participated in a Sustrans competition to promote Active Travel. They created a video presentation of their team's idea.
Certificates and prizes were presented on Tuesday, May 23rd. All pupils received a prize for taking part. The winners and runners up received a £10 Kirkwall Bid voucher.
1st = AJ Outdoors
2nd = Active Citi
3rd = Sike
Certificates and prizes were presented on Tuesday, May 23rd. All pupils received a prize for taking part. The winners and runners up received a £10 Kirkwall Bid voucher.
1st = AJ Outdoors
2nd = Active Citi
3rd = Sike
If you have not already confirmed what activities you have been allocated with a teacher, your registration teacher can confirm this with you. There is also a pupil list displaying what activities pupils have been allocated on display in the entrance foyer for reference.
Every year before the change of timetable KGS runs Activities. This year for three days, Wed 31 May to Fri 02 June all pupils in S1 S2 and S3 will be invited to join an activity each day instead of attending regular classes. Here is a link to the catalogue of activities on offer for pupils to look through over the weekend. Next week pupils will be invited to choose their activities.
Please note that some activities have limited places so not everyone will be able to get their first choice so it is important to have a good read of the activities catalogue and choose a few options each day that you would be interested in joining. Please note that some activities have costs involved and that pupils have to cover the costs involved in any activity.
Next week during registration pupils will be invited to choose their activities. Instructions on how to choose your activity will be given by your registration teachers sometime during registration next week.
Please note that some activities have limited places so not everyone will be able to get their first choice so it is important to have a good read of the activities catalogue and choose a few options each day that you would be interested in joining. Please note that some activities have costs involved and that pupils have to cover the costs involved in any activity.
Next week during registration pupils will be invited to choose their activities. Instructions on how to choose your activity will be given by your registration teachers sometime during registration next week.
Subject study classes will be running through study leave.
JUNE 12th - 16th
JUNE 12th - 16th
KGS students launch anti-racism campaign
including a story about “Beuy” the black Orkney vole!
A group of young students from Kirkwall Grammar School are tackling racism head on with a series of planned activities over the coming months.
The Anti-Racism Group – under the guidance of Theo Ogbhemhe, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies teacher – have received funding of just over £4,000 from the Scottish Government to drive forward the anti-racism events. The students will also be fundraising for a further £2,500 to enable them to carry out all that they have planned through non-uniform days, bake sales and a raffle.
The Anti-Racism Group – under the guidance of Theo Ogbhemhe, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies teacher – have received funding of just over £4,000 from the Scottish Government to drive forward the anti-racism events. The students will also be fundraising for a further £2,500 to enable them to carry out all that they have planned through non-uniform days, bake sales and a raffle.
If education is the key, then we are doing something beautiful because we are making a difference to real people in the developing world.
We are delighted that thanks to your help & support we have completed the
90Kg Rice Challenge for 2023!
We are sending a bairn to secondary school for one year in Malawi!
We are delighted that thanks to your help & support we have completed the
90Kg Rice Challenge for 2023!
We are sending a bairn to secondary school for one year in Malawi!
Please see attached link to a Newsround video with information about
Sunday’s emergency alarm testing on smartphones and tablets.
This video explains what it will sound like, how to clear the notification once it’s been sent out,
as well as what it’ll be used for.
Sunday’s emergency alarm testing on smartphones and tablets.
This video explains what it will sound like, how to clear the notification once it’s been sent out,
as well as what it’ll be used for.
The school is working towards the Bronze Rights Respecting Award,
and as part of this process we are gathering the views of pupils and staff.
Could all pupils and staff please complete the following short questionnaire:
and as part of this process we are gathering the views of pupils and staff.
Could all pupils and staff please complete the following short questionnaire:
The deadline for completing this is Tuesday 28th March.
Thank you, Rights Respecting Working Group.
Thank you, Rights Respecting Working Group.
0011 time coding competition winner (that's 3 in Binary)
shares success with another student in coding competitions
Two students from Kirkwall Grammar school have been selected as winners from two separate competitions setup by dressCode who have the aim of raising the profile of Computing Science in schools.
The Parasport Festival is a multisport festival, where members from Scottish Disability Sport and our local clubs and facilities will deliver high quality inclusive activities in a range of sports.
We aim, in partnership with Scottish Disability Sport, Orkney Islands Council, The Pickaquoy Centre, Inclusive Orkney and local Sports Clubs, to build awareness and opportunities for all children and young people to be active in an inclusive environment with high consideration to tailor to the needs of participants.
We aim, in partnership with Scottish Disability Sport, Orkney Islands Council, The Pickaquoy Centre, Inclusive Orkney and local Sports Clubs, to build awareness and opportunities for all children and young people to be active in an inclusive environment with high consideration to tailor to the needs of participants.
90KG Kilombero Rice Challenge
Help send a child in Malawi to high school for 1 year….
Help send a child in Malawi to high school for 1 year….
What is Kilombero Rice?
Kilombero Rice is the warm heart of Africa, grown in the rich soils of the Karonga Region of Lake Malawi. Farmers use traditional methods, which help protect the environment whilst also providing a livelihood for the local communities.
The smallholder farmers in the region work together as a co-operative to help ensure a fair and stable price for their rice. They are also continuing to ensure the best farming methods are used which are most suited to protect their environment.
As a co-operative they are able to increase their income and ensure better food security for their communities as well as provide support and education for their families.
The Kilombero Rice Challenge
JTS is a fairtrade organisation set up to facilitate the import & distribution of fairly traded products to the UK. JTS is supporting the farmers of Northern Malawi by providing a fair and sustainable market for their Kilombero rice.
Here at KGS, we are taking part in JTS’s ‘90kg Rice Challenge’s as part of a series of events for Fairtrade Fortnight.
If your school would like to take part or for full details of the 90kg Rice challenge – see JTS website.
JTS have challenged schools, such as KGS (as well as churches and other organisations) to sell 90kg of rice – this is the amount of rice sold that would enable a Malawian farmer to pay for a year’s basic secondary education for one child.
‘The 90kg Rice Challenge allows your students to make a difference to real people in the developing world.’ JTS
Why Malawi?
Malawi is one of the 20 poorest countries in the world and over 40% of the population live on less than £1 a day. The current life expectancy for both men and women is 55 years. Most of Malawi rely on subsistence farming, although with the changing climate, this is becoming increasingly uncertain. As few as 40% of children complete primary school (6-13 years old) and a quarter of a million children haven’t even been enrolled in school.
How can you help make a difference?
Education is one of the most effective ways to escape poverty and by helping us complete the 90kg rice challenge your contribution can make all the difference as it can send a child to secondary school for 1 year! All we need is 90 people to buy 1kg of rice each. Guardian Article – The struggle to finish school in Malawi
KGS at Young Weir-Wise: Discovering Engineering at Strathclyde University
Well done to s2 pupils Erica & Lauren who were successful in a very competitive application process to the Young Weir-Wise: Discovering Engineering at Strathclyde University. The programme, a partnership between the Faculty of Engineering and The Weir Group, is designed to inspire young female students to discover the excitement and personal satisfaction behind a career in engineering. Last month the girls attended the University for the outreach programme where staff from The Weir Group & Strathclyde gave an insight into studying and working in the field of engineering, and the pupils took part in a series of practical activities developed by a number of Engineering departments in the Faculty, including creating nano polymer bouncy balls, and building their own moveable hand.
A huge thank you to EMEC and West of Orkney Windfarms for financially supporting the girls to travel to Glasgow to take part in this amazing STEM opportunity.
More information on the different Engineering outreach opportunities Strathclyde offer to school pupils, including the Scottish Space School, can be found here:
A huge thank you to EMEC and West of Orkney Windfarms for financially supporting the girls to travel to Glasgow to take part in this amazing STEM opportunity.
More information on the different Engineering outreach opportunities Strathclyde offer to school pupils, including the Scottish Space School, can be found here:
BUY FAIR AND LOCAL PROJECT TRIP - Monday 30th January 2023
As part of their ‘Values in Action’ unit of the RBV (Religion, Belief and Values) Award @ level 5, the S4 (C1, E1, F2) College class have been learning about Fairtrade as an avenue through which they can put their values into action. The class visited a local Fairtrade café, SunBean Coffee House (Victoria Street), to continue to encourage and support their usage of Fairtrade products.
Pakistan is only one of many countries that are now living with the effects of climate change. Over one third of the country has been devastated, with 35 million people affected. As global citizens, we carry the responsibility to fight climate change and help support those being affected.
We had a dress down day on Friday 25th November 2022 with donations going to Government Secondary School, Jajjah Abbasian in Pakistan (the school we partnered with for the Connecting Classrooms Through Global Learning British Council project). Government Secondary School suffered great damage as a result of the Pakistan floods.
Pakistan flood appeal dress down day and other donations totalling £450.00 were received by Muhammad Idrees (The CCGL coordinator in the local school in Pakistan).
Below are photos from the foodstuff sharing ceremony.
We had a dress down day on Friday 25th November 2022 with donations going to Government Secondary School, Jajjah Abbasian in Pakistan (the school we partnered with for the Connecting Classrooms Through Global Learning British Council project). Government Secondary School suffered great damage as a result of the Pakistan floods.
Pakistan flood appeal dress down day and other donations totalling £450.00 were received by Muhammad Idrees (The CCGL coordinator in the local school in Pakistan).
Below are photos from the foodstuff sharing ceremony.
Please join us tomorrow at 7pm to watch the Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 UK Online Commemoration.
The event will be streamed here
We are also delighted to include the digital programme for the Online Commemoration for you to download if you wish.
Since the onset of the pandemic, this special event has given us all a focal point for the commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). The online format enables even more people to join us virtually and learn from genocide for a better future. We look forward to joining you virtually on Thursday 26 January at 7pm. Please share the link to the Online Commemoration with your family and friends and encourage them to watch from the comfort of their homes.
The event will be streamed here
We are also delighted to include the digital programme for the Online Commemoration for you to download if you wish.
Since the onset of the pandemic, this special event has given us all a focal point for the commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD). The online format enables even more people to join us virtually and learn from genocide for a better future. We look forward to joining you virtually on Thursday 26 January at 7pm. Please share the link to the Online Commemoration with your family and friends and encourage them to watch from the comfort of their homes.
Are you or someone you know struggling with their mental health? Try free online deciders skill programme.
The Decider Skills use cognitive behavioural therapy to teach children, young people and adults, skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, allowing them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
The Decider Skills use cognitive behavioural therapy to teach children, young people and adults, skills to recognise their own thoughts, feelings and behaviours, allowing them to monitor and manage their own emotions and mental health.
Decider programme starting on the 9th Feb.
Barnardo's will continue to run programmes throughout the year in April, June, September and November.
The link to sign up is here:
This course will run for 4 weeks online and will cover skills for parents/carers to utilise themselves as well as look at how they can use the skills to support their child/young person.
Contact [email protected] if you have any further questions.
Barnardo's will continue to run programmes throughout the year in April, June, September and November.
The link to sign up is here:
This course will run for 4 weeks online and will cover skills for parents/carers to utilise themselves as well as look at how they can use the skills to support their child/young person.
Contact [email protected] if you have any further questions.
The KGS Ski trip would like to thank Claire Louttit (representing G.J. Louttit Builders) and Karen Groat (Representing Northlight Apartments) for their amazing sponsorship of the tremendous hoodies that the pupils now have for their trip to Alpe de Huez , France (from the 3rd to 12th of February).
Some of the pupils going on the trip worked hard on finishing the hoodies with the sponsors' logos and the trip logo being put on the hoodies in the school utilising a heat press kindly donated to the school by David Foulis (Trek and Travel).
The trip has been supported by many local businesses and the community as a whole, it is the first major trip to go away from KGS since Covid and it is brilliant to know that the community sees the value in school trips.
Some of the pupils going on the trip worked hard on finishing the hoodies with the sponsors' logos and the trip logo being put on the hoodies in the school utilising a heat press kindly donated to the school by David Foulis (Trek and Travel).
The trip has been supported by many local businesses and the community as a whole, it is the first major trip to go away from KGS since Covid and it is brilliant to know that the community sees the value in school trips.
Due to the possibility of further strikes next Wednesday, and to give pupils certainty and as much notice as possible, the prelims on the 18th of January will be cancelled and will be held on Monday 30th January instead.
Study leave will still finish on Friday 27th and all S5/6 pupils will return to school on Monday 30th January and will be back in classes except those sitting the postponed prelims.
Study leave will still finish on Friday 27th and all S5/6 pupils will return to school on Monday 30th January and will be back in classes except those sitting the postponed prelims.
Fereday Prize Giving 2022
Each year the top projects from the year group are judged by members of the Orkney Heritage Society.
This year the top prizes went to:
1st Sophie Rendall
2nd Finlay Moar
3rd Katie Brewer
Well done to all S2 pupils in KGS who continue to impress us with their commitment and originality when completing these projects. Many thanks to parents and carers who have supported young people during the research process.
This year the top prizes went to:
1st Sophie Rendall
2nd Finlay Moar
3rd Katie Brewer
Well done to all S2 pupils in KGS who continue to impress us with their commitment and originality when completing these projects. Many thanks to parents and carers who have supported young people during the research process.
Education, Leisure and Housing
Winter Newsletter 2022 - 2023
Lest we forget
Today senior pupils, along with the History department, led the annual school remembrance event. Advanced Higher pupils Ellie, Jess, Oliver and Dillon shared their own heartfelt words of reflection and the poem 'For the Fallen' by Laurence Binyon. Accomplished musician Jamsie, who studies N5 History, played the last post. Lest we forget.
KGS coding prodigy wins national competition prize for the second time
An S5 student from Kirkwall Grammar School has become a second time winner in a series of national competitions aimed at raising the profile of Computing Science in schools.
Mansie was selected as a winner for the <SUMMER OF CODE/> competition with his recent entry of an AI bot that communicates using voice recognition. Inspired by Marvin from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the bot gets its responses by searching the web and uses a graphical interface Mansie designed to give a feeling of having an emotional response.
Mansie was selected as a winner for the <SUMMER OF CODE/> competition with his recent entry of an AI bot that communicates using voice recognition. Inspired by Marvin from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the bot gets its responses by searching the web and uses a graphical interface Mansie designed to give a feeling of having an emotional response.
KGS Ski Trip Bingo
We had a great turnout for the KGS Ski Trip Bingo last night with well over 100 people there.
Massive thanks to all the parents, pupils, staff and folks in the community that provided prizes,
helped run the night, baked and came in to support us.
We raised an amazing total of £1721.
Massive thanks to all the parents, pupils, staff and folks in the community that provided prizes,
helped run the night, baked and came in to support us.
We raised an amazing total of £1721.
Bud, the Travelling Poppy Scotland museum, visits KGS.
S3 Historians took part in workshops throughout the day and were encouraged to explore the theme of remembrance, and the poppy’s role as a symbol of unity and hope. Exhibits included historical artefacts, interactive displays, and the moving stories of veterans and their families who have been supported by Poppy Scotland. KGS pupils also had the opportunity to make their own poppy, using the same methods as the team of disabled veterans at Lady Haig's Poppy Factory in Edinburgh.
Pupils at KGS are awarded House Points by class teachers in recognition of effort, good work and behaviour. Each week the tutor group with the most house points awarded for the previous week receive a prize.
This week congratulations to the pupils in Eynhallow B who amassed 90 House Points this week!
This week congratulations to the pupils in Eynhallow B who amassed 90 House Points this week!
The House Totals for the past week are:
Copinsay 469
Eynhallow 711
Fara 491
Copinsay 469
Eynhallow 711
Fara 491