Dear Parents and Carers,
This week Ms Devlin and I had the brilliant opportunity to visit Papdale Halls of Residence and to hear about the experiences for some of our pupils of staying away from home during the week. The pupils’ stories were incredible and they demonstrate real confidence, resilience and determination to make the most of every opportunity. We are already looking forward to our next visit. Over the last 4 weeks we’ve undertaken to listen to as many pupils’ views as possible through questionnaires to all pupils, along with small group and one-to-one follow up discussions. So far pupils are reporting that the areas of our school that they believe are the strongest include: They feel safe and happy; they have strong support from staff and they have a range of extra-curricular activities to choose from. Areas they would like the school to focus on in the future include: How we celebrate their achievements and how we can give them more opportunities to make choices about their learning. We have one final questionnaire being shared with pupils over the next two weeks and then I will summarise all their responses for you before the October holidays. This week we’ve been asked to share 2 emails regarding covid with you. The first was from James Wylie, Head of Education, Leisure and Housing in Orkney Island Council. The second was from Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director. Both emails thank our whole community for their efforts to keep everyone as safe as possible and ask that, where possible, we continue to encourage our young people to take twice-weekly lateral flow tests and to wear our face covering when social distancing cannot be guaranteed. Thank you for your support with this. Teachers have been reviewing pupils' progress so far this year and are in the process of completing our first Tracking Summary of the year. We will use this information to support pupils to ensure they meet their targets and achieve their potential. We aim to share the first set of information with Senior parents / carers next Friday, with information being shared with S2 and S3 parents / carers before the October holidays. An explanation of Tracking and the Tracking Summaries you will receive can be found on our website: We will be organising a S1 parents’ evening as soon as covid restrictions allow but please don’t hesitate to contact us in the meantime if you have any questions. Guidance staff have been pleased to launch 'togetherall', a confidential online mental health support community to our S5 and S6 pupils this week. This offers pupils the opportunity to access well being support that is right for them, at a time that works for them. Further details can be found at All pupils have also been reminded that our School Health Team, and our In School Counsellors are back in school and are available to support pupils. If pupils would benefit from meeting with a School Counsellor, or a member of the School Health Team, appointments can be made through Guidance staff, or pupils can self-refer - whatever feels easiest for them. As always, if you or your child have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We hope you all have a relaxing weekend, Miss Claire Meakin Head Teacher Comments are closed.
December 2024